Needle House is in a new phase, the social networking phase.
This blog is apart of this new phase. The goal for our blog is that we will be
helpful to our customers as well as anyone else this blog reaches in the
needlepoint community. We hope that this will be a place that people will feel
comfortable to ask questions and share their own ideas.
This blog is dedicated to all things needlepoint.
Needlepoint artists, canvases, threads, stitches, you catch my drift. There
will be a new post every Monday. It’s the first day of the week…usual a downer
for people so why don’t we have something to look forward to each Monday?
Needlepoint is not only a craft but also an art and any form
of art is enrichment to all of us. The beauty of art is that there is always
something new to be seen and something new to be learned. So let’s allow
Mondays to be needlepoint enrichment days. Take time to love on yourself by
learning more about your favorite craft.